Düşsel bir bahçede büyüttüm seni

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şsel bir bahçede büyüttüm seni, koparmaya kıyamadım.

(Görsel Google'dan alıntıdır.)

Between the yellowed leaves, I found you on a wet autumn day. Wet, cold, lonely autumn evening ... Lonely and lonely alone, struggling with feelings that are not alive ... Untraced, untouched, my handmaid, the bloom of the earth buried without showing anyone the root of the rootstock ... Disappearing, disappearing and afraid.
I watered the spring rains while I was raining, I fed you with tears. I never showed tears to anyone. The wetness of the spring, they said in the rain, they passed ... You are finished, you have not lost. You're like a secret dream that's bound to live with me ...
 I sheltered you from the winds, wrapped around you. I stopped against the storm ... I raised labor labor, I'm afraid of everything, I'm afraid of everybody. I will protect you from the summer and from the cold in winter. After the propeller was looking for me, I stopped spinning ... By the time you grew up, you grew up, you grew up ... You were like a spell ...
I grew up in a fantasy garden, I could not resist breaking it.